The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 29 Krackow

I will try to catch up here. It has been a physically and mentally exhausting trip thus far and little time to blog coupled with sporadic internet.

Presently in Krakow after a 7 hr bus trip from Prague.  I will have to try to recall what we did in Prague and may have to work backwards.
Yesterday we toured Prague including a beautiful synagogue that is now used for concerts. Its called the Spanish synagogue although it is Askanazi.
The city of Prague was not bombed during the war so the beauty of the city and all the ancient buildings remained in tact, The reason was Prague is centrally located in Europe and Hitler intended on having his Jewish museum here- a place where he wanted a museum for an extinct race. outside this musuem is an amusing statue of Franz Kafka that clearly symbolizes his complicated mind.
We visited the oldest synagogue in Europe that is used today . it dates back to 15th century, the clock in the public area is in Hebrew and must be read right to left.

Today I will see my friend Pawel at Auschwitz and hope to continue this later.  Have to run

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