The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Friday, June 28, 2024


  Arrived !

My cousin Amir and Eti met me at airport with a welcome balloon! My first impression was the efficient way I was able to navigate passport control and customs

A few random qu

estions at passport control and I got my luggage everything done with biometrics . It's quite hot and humid similar to NJ . We caught up , while driving to Tzipora new dira(apartment) in Raananna. The apartment is spacious and brand new. A safe room is one of the bedrooms,  actually mine. We had a lovely Shabbat  dinner with my cousin  Liat ,Tsipora youngest daughter. My cousin Roman who connected with Donna through DNA and is a cousin 2x removed but nonetheless a cousin,  will come tonight. Tomorrow, I will meet Zoe at airport and head to Jerusalem to meet Jakub and get ready for conference 

I feel good and I feel safe, from what I have seen so far everyone is living and working and it is quiet.

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