July 5,2010
Today my roommate and I went to the American History Museum and were able to view many interesting exhibits about "Americana." One of the highlights being the counter where 4 African American college students staged a non violent sit in at a Woolworths' store. They were refused service and were subjected to name calling, spitting, and beatings- however they did not give up, which sparked new laws which outlawed such unfair practices.
The afternoon was spent with all the participants, discussing our journey overseas, which begins tomorrow. We represent over 15 states and range in age from 20-63 years of age.The group it ethnically and religiously varied. We toured the museum focusing on artifacts and discussing the ones that were of particular interest.
Dinner was with the group with the addition of Mr Roman Kent, a Holocaust survivor whose story may be found at the following linkhttp://www.echoesandreflections.org/pdfs/bios/Kent.Roman.pdf
Thanks for the link, very interesting