The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Friday, July 26, 2024

Dance like no one is watching

Great classes today in was with the younger kids and worked Lomg side their teacher Jenipher. We did reading strategies and new vocabulary and finally played simon says and zip zap zoop.  I am still surprised  that they did not know how to play. A student from two years ago Keteri was there and helped.  The kids loved it and stickers are a huge hit. The student from yesterday home visit did not come today, but Giselle did. She danced with Yves and they looked great . Lots of dancing going on.  Today we showed the older group the social dilemma since the topic of social media  came up . I am hoping to have a girls group tomorrow just fo give a safe place to voice their ideas and thoughts. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

This. girl's night out

Interesting day!

Today students continued their speeches , and we discussed cell phone addiction and social media. It has reared its ugly head here.  Some Some  students  admitting  their addiction. many only have flip phones so the issue it mute for them

I went on a home visit with Yves.


night ou with the boys

MY photos on display 


home visit

It was not far.   It was the. best home I have seen seen on a home visit the boy has not been to mindleaps for 5 months . The house was his grandmother and he goes there to eat but sleeps at his dad which Yves said was a terrible place.  Apparently  the boy has been doing odd jobs to save for shoes but he wasn't wearing any 

y.  Yves talked to him and hopefully  he will return to classes. Then Giselle came for a visit it was so nice to see her and for her to meet up with people she knows at the center. Then I took Oliver, raymond,julius,eric and emmy out for a nice dinner. It was sunset and beautiful. We had some laughs and had. A good meal too. I. Ust comment on how respectful and kind they are raymond a d julius are excellent  teachers too. I mentioned  that they have such a great team. Everyone treated equally including our cook and maintenance work er Fabio.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Meeting friends

State exams going on for next few weeks.  Many of the students are busy taking them


The power of a comma!

Yesterday we looked at commas: 

A woman without her man is nothing. 

A woman: without her,man is nothing.

Well today the students continued speeches and it morphed into something unexpected.  It was raw and deep, it was truthfull and painful.  It started as career vs traditional roles of women discussion.  Quickly the room was on fire as everyone had opinions and voices to be heard. The ideas of Muslim  men in the room and Christian  men and Muslim women and Christian  women . And my Jewish voice as well. The African culture coupled with modern times and young women who work so hard to be more than ... 

This respectful battle went on long after class was over and we were all better for it. I am sure everyone went home thinking  and questioning.  Isn't that what we strive for.  ? These young girls and young men can  create new traditions and dispel the roles that some felt were valid because it's in the Bible or Quran . We did not resolve anything ,which is fine, but they were heard and they listened . and I have great hope for their futures because they want it.

I loved the discussion and am grateful they trusted me enough to be open and honest 


the Great. Debate

Monday, July 22, 2024

See what i see 6am


Where the pavement meets the road

 Where the pavement  meets  the road the terrain turns into yellow and gold dust that covers your shoes. I love this place and that yellow dust all over my sneakers. The poignancy of being a minority  is not lost on me. I see it in the eyes and expressions of people I pass by. Children are amused,  whether it's my skin, hair, eyes or age. Every morning and every night  I pass an old man sitting  on the side of the road,  wearing a red baseball cap and talking to himself. He acknowledges me with a hand in the air. Everywhere there are vibrant colors : in the sky, in the clothes in the faces. I know I will leave and the dust will be washed off in a machine, my clothes will be washed in a machine,  I will order food on line and have pizza delivered. I will no longer be a minority.... or will I

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday is fun day

My second sunday here. Kids were teaching me traditional  dancing and some kids were playing guitar, others playing checkers and learning chess, others playing pick up sticks and other games. It do culminated at Gizimba using their  basketball court for an aggressive  staff vs students game. I understand  kids usually  win but today staff won.  Too rough for me!  Tomorrow  classes will start and my schedule will repeat.  Again beautiful weather.  I'm out of the loop with news but from what I hear I'm better off