The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18. What a great teaching day

I began my morning by seeing my special student from two years ago , Belize! She has matured and is just a more lovely version of herself. Then I saw Patrick! The young man whose home I visited  and I use the photo of he and I walking down the road as my screen saver. So heartwarming  to see them again. Last evening Yves, insisted on walking with me. Every staff member teaches with such passion and love for the kids  and Yves is no exception. He also holds a management role as well as being a teacher. And each staff member has his or her story of refugee camps, having parents and grandparents  who experienced the genocide, and other personal stories of survival. Yves is one of 11 children and is a refugee who made it out of the camp and the only member; of his Immediate family to graduate  HS and earning a salary, which he uses to help them. There is a photo of him in this blog tonight , in his dance class. Then there is Kevin. His English is good enough to debate issues with me. We got into some deep conversations about womens roles in Rwandan society. I was included in a staff meeting although it had to be translated  for me. I was quiet but later on offered some  ideas on kids being late to class. I used the Guinean idea and told them to blow a whistle,  ! Tomorrow night is the big festival. In class we are working on vision boards. My last class today was with two staff members Yves and Manguya. They did an outstanding job reading and learning new words. Enjoy todays photos. 






a wedding at hotel. Bride in red groom in white



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