The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The power of a comma!

Yesterday we looked at commas: 

A woman without her man is nothing. 

A woman: without her,man is nothing.

Well today the students continued speeches and it morphed into something unexpected.  It was raw and deep, it was truthfull and painful.  It started as career vs traditional roles of women discussion.  Quickly the room was on fire as everyone had opinions and voices to be heard. The ideas of Muslim  men in the room and Christian  men and Muslim women and Christian  women . And my Jewish voice as well. The African culture coupled with modern times and young women who work so hard to be more than ... 

This respectful battle went on long after class was over and we were all better for it. I am sure everyone went home thinking  and questioning.  Isn't that what we strive for.  ? These young girls and young men can  create new traditions and dispel the roles that some felt were valid because it's in the Bible or Quran . We did not resolve anything ,which is fine, but they were heard and they listened . and I have great hope for their futures because they want it.

I loved the discussion and am grateful they trusted me enough to be open and honest 


the Great. Debate

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