The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Friday, July 12, 2024

Shabbat Shalom ` FIND THE GOOD FRIDAY `

 My day began at 11 am and I remembered the way to the center with Olivier help. But managed alone on the way back.  Today I observed JEnnifer teaching her English class. She was so enthusiastic and had some great interactive.  activities. I offered a few suggestions. After lunch I joined raymond and julius in the debate class. About 25 students all around 21  and they try to debate current topics. Raymond started class playing a riddle solving game.i added in some Anglo saxons riddles I used In class. Wow they got everyone correct in no time. Tomorrow I want to use the circle of obligation toml

Lead into debate about David Cash and see what they think.  My view is. Beautiful and the weather a so enjoyable,  I may see Johnson on Sunday, tomorrow will be a repeat of today . I saw some of my students from . 2 years  ago, all grown up and my Saturday google meet kids in person. I'm tired So with one channel on tv I'll read and hope for a good sleep. Oh many good changes.  The outside dance floor has a wooden platform,  no more dancing on concrete,  and no tent,  now a ceiling . There is another  outside teaching  area too.  Some of the offices have the photos I took, on the walls, there is a photo of the road uphill of course. WhAT Is missing from the student photos?  NO CELL PHONES !


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