The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Last day of school

Today was my last day of classes.  They continued speeches, whichbwere amazing, all in english, then they asked me an array of questions. I gave out my notes and we took class photos. I was also pleased to see many former students returning from exams: Joseph, Didier,  Kitari ,Samuel Passy. Some students were sad that I'm leaving.  It's a blur to me. I feel like I've been away for a long time. Tomorrow is a big  celebration. Colleen  and I experienced this teo years back. But this time I'm dancing and expected to say something in Kirwandan! I'm nervous.  Here are todays pics including a balancing act. 




Colleen and My boys from 2022

my dance partners

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