The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Friday will be a national holiday of traditional food, dance and celebration.  I have been practicing  our dance with Yves, Alice and Jennipher. I also am attempting  a few lines in Kerawandan. Old students are returning from exams.  I was thrilled to see Passy and tomorrow  Joseph will come. 


speeches today

great speech about a meaningful  life

The kids asked me about the biggest differences from USA and here . First I said honestly that I wash clothes in a machine and dishes in a machine. It is not lost one how priveledged we are . Then I talked about the level of respect t here that is non existent I. My classroom , that shocked them.  My time is closing in but I hope to be back next year 

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