The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Thursday, July 11, 2024

What day is it? Where am I.

  Well after a 24 hour travel marathon , something I doubt I'll do again , especially after just last week flying to and from Israel, I arrived to Kilgali, I met many interesting people on the flight that were coming for so many different reasons,  mostly tourism.  But I met a group of dental technicians  who , with a dentist,  were volunteering  here at one of the boarding schools.  I was nervous about getti getting my luggage but it showed up and as I exited I saw the smiling faces of Olivier and Emmy,!  The hotel is a different experience being more like a vacation. I did forget my towel :(   I was stunned once again of the beauty at night. I settled in and along with little help from lunesta slept about 7 hrs. Which is good for me!  Took a nice shower and enjoyed my lovely  breakfast on my little veranda. I will text Emmy and Olivier that I. Am up and ready for day one at the center.

Colleeen finally home from her experience in Guinea. Enjoy my first photos 

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