The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Home visits

 I had a feeling what this owuld be like having dne the same n Rwanda but one can never get used to such need and poverty. We visited three homes, not too far away and the roads were muddy but not as trecherous as in Kilgali. The people were so happy to meet us and one father who soke English quite well kept thanking us for coming and hearing him speak English. He told us how he lost his house to the government when they wanted the land where many people lived.Its a confusing  story. The last home was a larger compud that was unfinished with exposed stairwells and many people who live in these unfinished areas and pay rent. We had to go up three dark and unstable stair flights with nothing to hold on to so Colleen and I each had a kid help guide us. The third floor is open area with doors leading to living spaces but what got me was the HUGE drop down to the bottom with no gate , no fence, no barrier and so many small children running around I actually asked if anyone fell off and they said one person did, I dobt you could survive that fall. Once back we resumed our schedule and today we had the younger kids. Umar, who is so smart and a great dancer seemed off today and did not want to play with the group during our break. Come to find he was juust plain hungry and had not eaten because he arrived after lunch and there was nothing left.  Iknew I had leftovers of rice which I gave to Olivier so Olivier was told aboout Umar and gave him the food. He returned smiling and feeling better. Then later on "my boy" Ansou we found out had not eaten today. He seems to fast on certain days for Islam but today was not a fasting day.  I insisted on he taking my half loaf of bread and a packet of peanut butter, He was relucant but I insisted,  There is REAL hunger here- very sobering. BUT no one complains,they smile and are so grateful for whatever they are given.  The pictures says a lot. Just be grateful for the little things like food!

look at the drop off the edge

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