The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Friday, July 5, 2019

A day in Poznan

We had a quiet day as it rainly andf cold but ventured out at about 4 pm. Poznan is not far from Berlin hence its occupation by the Nazi"s. There was a large Jewish community whixh has since dwindled to a handful. There was a faous speech given by Himmler in which he seaks to his troops and for the first time speaks openly about the extrmination of the Jews. I use this speecch in class and had no idea where it was given, It was here in Poznan and Jakub was my excellent tour guide through the old and new parts of the city. It was also Pride celebration here and the rainbow flags are flying. Ironically you will see the photo of the flag in front of the said building where the Himmler speech was made. Certainly a statement.

We then ate some Middle Eastern cusine and met up with Jakub"s friends- who are the most endearing sweet, smart, fun guys. We went to the site of what was a Jewish synagogue and was noted for a swimming pool inside that the Nazi"s used. It stand empty now but Michael( new friend) said it will be renovated to perserve memory of the Jews of Poznan.

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