The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Another adventurous day

SPEED!  Driving down  winding roads, highways at speeds exceeding 120 MPH in an Audi with a driver who is an incredibly talented  driver and architect. I did NOT white knuckle it- I LOVED IT.

So we went to "The Castle"All I can say was  beyond words and description. Game of Thrones has nothing on this! trust me on that. And If i have peaked your curiousity Im sorry  you will have to visit me for details. I practically had to sign a non disclosure agreement ( workers do!)

After like 3 hours , hundreds of steps, spiral, and otherwise, we had lunch and a beauiful visit with Kubi"s mom. She has a green thumb producing fruit and vegetable, herbs and flowers in her garden,

Finally we attended an outdoor production of " Orzel Krzyz" a history of Poland with pyrotechnics, story telling, horses and lots of Mother Nature RAIN! I did not understand a thing until the show was up to Word War 1 and 2 and Pope John Paul II
and I have to admit after the night before of 3 am and a few hmmmm drinks I nodded off a few times :(

So this little foursome of my new friends and  I  shared Shabbat Friday Night and Catholic focus on Polish history Saturday night.

I had to bid two of my  new little brothers a fond fare well and hope that they will visit me someday-  Did you know that a Visa is required for Poles to travel to USA but not the other way?  Does that make sense? Especially with USA having troops in Poland!

A cabin in the woods,sharing tea, and look through the trees- can you see it?
My heart is full- thank you friends .

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