So we went to "The Castle"All I can say was beyond words and description. Game of Thrones has nothing on this! trust me on that. And If i have peaked your curiousity Im sorry you will have to visit me for details. I practically had to sign a non disclosure agreement ( workers do!)
After like 3 hours , hundreds of steps, spiral, and otherwise, we had lunch and a beauiful visit with Kubi"s mom. She has a green thumb producing fruit and vegetable, herbs and flowers in her garden,
Finally we attended an outdoor production of " Orzel Krzyz" a history of Poland with pyrotechnics, story telling, horses and lots of Mother Nature RAIN! I did not understand a thing until the show was up to Word War 1 and 2 and Pope John Paul II
and I have to admit after the night before of 3 am and a few hmmmm drinks I nodded off a few times :(
So this little foursome of my new friends and I shared Shabbat Friday Night and Catholic focus on Polish history Saturday night.
I had to bid two of my new little brothers a fond fare well and hope that they will visit me someday- Did you know that a Visa is required for Poles to travel to USA but not the other way? Does that make sense? Especially with USA having troops in Poland!
A cabin in the woods,sharing tea, and look through the trees- can you see it?
My heart is full- thank you friends .
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