The next journey begins Poland and Rwanda 2019

The next journey begins  Poland and Rwanda 2019
2019 adventures

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Have The Have nots

July 28 a day of warmth, gratitude and fun

Aline picked up Judy and me to take us to her home. A lovely middle class home with about 3 bedrooms , she also has a live in baby sitter for her son, On thw way I asked her to re tell her story since in Poland she had little  time. Se was unable to contiue because we arrived at her home but comleted it later on.  She was 9 years old with two sisters, mom and dad. Her father said the family must separate so in case the Hutu forces come they have a better chance of someone surviving.  This was done but they were eventually found, She was sent with her sister and mom to a lins designated for murder as was her dad and her little sister. She tells how she saw her first grade teacher and told her mom that they would be saved because her teacher was there. The teacher ignored Aline and obvously was not going to help them.  When they approached the pit she could hear the muffled sounds of those who were in the pit but not yet dead. She heard the cries ad whimpers of children. This has never left her . What happened next ca only be called a miracle.  It began to rain, in fact pour,  The killers stopped and argued whether to finish their worl or kill them tomorrow. During the bickering Aline and her sister and mom were able to escape. Her father and sister were murdered. There is more to the story bt that is a summary.

In her home I met her son and then her older sister Chantelle, her brother in law , two  small nephews and one 16 year old.  We had intense conversation and they were honest, open and showed us great insight. Judy asked a very profound question which was  Where re the elderly people?
This was so  profound because few people in the ages of 25 and up have grandparents,  There really are few older people. Aline mentioned if you go to a wedding you will notice the absence of older people. There are a few but most ere nurdered 25 years ago,

Aline prepared Rawandan fare and it was delicious.  We drove to the where the group was and joined them on to the central market, What an experience!!!!
VERY  crazy, Close quarters with thousands of vendors trying to get our attention.  I made them laugh by turning the tables and asking them to look at me and  follow me etc.  I bought a few things.Some of the girls had dresses made on the spot. Cost about 10 USD

We were then invited to what was called a bar b q by Keil's friend Alain who happened to be attention college in Saint Cloud Mn. Wheere they met and became friends. Well the house was more like a mansion. 9 bedrooms, a view of the city, and they even had their own chapel in the house. The stark contrast of yesterday and today was almost too much to take in. The Have and the Have Nots BUT in both homes we were welcomed with grace and warmth.  The father Bonaire is the owner of big tea farms, chicken farms and other enterprises. Obviously successful endeavors. The most poignent part of this evening was my conversation with Johnson the young man who has worked with Carl.  He told me he will be getting married soon,  BUT we both observed the opulence and talked about how the servents were virtually `invisible' and that he Johnson felt invisible. We talked about this and I assured him he was far from invisible.

Enjoy the photos
Aline home

Rwandan feast

all of us after the feast

In the market

Market wares

Bar B Q

View from roof top of home

Bonaire, Angelia - our hosts

Their home

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